£7.99 per month
£12.99 per month
£26.99 per month
£39.99 per month
Our virtual server control panel gives you instant access into the amount of disk space it is using. This allows you to monitor your disk space and prevent any unexpected downtime if the limit was reached.
RAM is an important part of a virtual servers performance. The more available RAM for the server to utilize the better an application can run. Monitoring RAM usage is crucial as running out of RAM can cause an immediate slow down or even crash.
From within our virtual server control panel you are able to see full statistics on each part of your virtual server. You can even tap into different times to see what resource is being used throughout the day.
Viewing your bandwidth usage shows how much data your server is sending in and out. Keeping an eye on this can help prevent bandwidth suspension which would block all network traffic causing downtime.